
Tuesday 19 April 2011

White Horse Challenge

Miles cycled this year: 1737
In 104 Hours burning 63183 Kcal climbing 72130 ft
Most miles in a week (so far) : 176
Weight Not Known!

I like the White Horse Challenge. It’s friendly, small, great route and got a good mix of serious riders and less so.

The day started shockingly early. I forget when booking how early I am going to have to get up. I got up at 5.45, still it was light, but foggy and 6C. The forecast was for warm and sunny. Drink and a small breakfast and I am off on the road, eating on the way. I got there early!

Before long we were off. I was about 6th to start. It was a slow start, and we were quickly passed by others, and I jumped on. This was not the best idea and after 5 miles or so, I let go again, and rode on steadily. Another bigger group passed and its back on. This was better. I shared work at the front for a bit and dropped to the back of the group, which was quite big, to take it easy. The problem was there was a number of riders struggling at the back and gaps would form, and I would have to close the gap again.

The first big hill and the group spread out, reforming as two groups and a load of straggles. I was in the second group. It was shortly after I got some stomach cramps, nothing to stop me, just inconvenient. I was drinking and eating a bit, and was slowly taking clothes off as it warmed up.

It did occur to me that I had started a bit quick, also that I hadn’t ridden a bike for 8 days, but I was after my time of 4h50m two years ago. 1h30m left to go and 24 miles which I worked out to be an average of 18mph left. Not really certain that was going to happen, I was tiring already. I had let the group go about 50m in, and had rode on with one other chap, I was ok on the flat, but the hills weren’t as normal.

Into the last part, and I was seeing groups go past every now and then, faster than me and I knew there was no point of trying to get on, as I would quicker be left. I out climbed my riding partner up the last hill, and he returned the favour on the run in by putting his head down and riding me off his wheel.

Finish and a ham roll and a Danish whirl, washed down with water sat on a wall outside the hall. Sat in silence with others also eating.

The time was 5h3m, so I lost 13mins which is ok. I got home ate some more and watched the end of the cycling then the grand prix whilst laying on the floor. Later the cramps returned big time and my body emptied itself. I felt much better. Seems my poor performance could be partly down to something else. Still I was ultimately 97th of 411 finishers, so made top 25% which is my target.

Still there is always next year.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Year So Far (Inc Merry Monk Audax)

Miles cycled this year: 1646In 104 Hours burning 59908 Kcal climbing 67930 ft
Most miles in a week (so far) : 176
Weight 67.7Kg 19.0% fat

This year has been a little odd after last year. Last year I had a big target, a big plan and a long time to get ready for it. This year I feel a little lost as normality resumes. There is a plan for next year, not as big as the End to End/Cardinal trip, but could be great and/or very wet. I do also have a week free for the first week in May when I intend to ride 5 hrs most days.

None the less I am currently ahead of last year in terms of miles ridden by this date. I have taken to riding part way to work, and I am trying to do it twice a week, work pattern and weather permitting. I can't get yet get myself into getting wet on the way in, still if fuel prices continue to rise......

Currently I am having a week easy walking, and the White Horse Challenge is Sunday. I do generally enjoy that ride, it just every year the shock of getting up for it kicks in.

So what have I been up to other than the normal Saturday and Sunday stuff? Well I rode the Dunkery Dash audax (for more on Audax go to You don't need to be a member to ride the sort of events I do). It is a hard climb with over 5,500ft of climbing, most of which comes in four helpings. I was three minutes slower this year. At least it is consistent :-) I couldn't hold the group I was in half way back, and got dropped. I caught and passed two of them on the last climb, so there is some satisfaction. Finish in the top 20 of 120 or so, so content with that.

Then there was the Merry Monk Audax. It starts in High Ham and goes south to Forde Abbey, via Muchelney, East to Sherborne, then back to High Ham. Hence the monk monica. I rode there and back as well making 90miles on the day. The last 10 miles back to High Ham was wet on the road, it had clearly chucked it down just before we got there as water was across the road in place.  The ride was notable for the fantastic array of food when we got back. I had apple pie and custard, whilst watching the rain and then rode home. I picked up a puncture on the way, which I only found when I went to get my bike next time. I may well have to change the tyres (the same ones I rode end to end on) as they are now picking up punctures too often after being brilliant.

When I got home about 4 I had my lunch. We then took one of our cars to a friends to service and had rhubarb crumble and custard, then home to a light tea.

The plan for the next quarter is to finish the White Horse Challenge and the Dartmoor Classic quicker than last time, lose some weight and knock some time off my best times for local climbs.

I also plan to do a 10 tips for the End to End, what I would do, not do again. This is to follow shortly and will be referred to on the LEJOG index page. I also need to get the maps of the route finished, just in case anyone wants to follow my route!