
Thursday 10 June 2010

BHF Sunday

Miles cycled this year: 2756
In 169 Hours burning 97700 Kcal climbing 97800ft
Most miles in a week (so far) : 284 (eek!)
Weight 66.6Kg 17.5% fat

I have been riding the British Heart Foundation fundraising ride for several years. It starts in Glastonbury and does a really flat 50 mile loop out towards the coast and back.

After the Tour of Wessex day, I had a gentle short ride on Wednesday after work, and on Thursday I rode from home to work in Langport, it was a lovely evening on the way back, so I extended the ride a little out on the levels.

Saturday was the normal club run, but most of the big hitters were away, so it was quick but not massively so. On the way back over the Quantocks, we found road after road flooded with tar and chippings. We retreated and ended up going sideways (east) to go forwards (north) and I easily did my three hour target.

On Sunday I rode to Glastonbury. I don’t get sponsorship for this ride. Most do, but I would be embarrassed to ask to be sponsored for a 50mile ride, when I do that every Sat/Sun. So I enter on the day, pay a bit more for the privilege and give a donation as well. I meet with the group of riders that I see on Saturday that come from Wells/Frome and they asked if I wanted to ride with them. Yes ok.

Now this ride is a proper charity ride. There are two rides of 50m or 27m starting at the same time. They ride the same route and then split after about 15 miles and rejoin for the last 8 miles or so. The start is narrow and there is a need to negotiate round the slower riders until we join a wider road and can pass easily.

Denise, my wife, has ridden it with me in some previous years, well we ride the first half a mile together, then I get on to avoid getting cold, and I see her maybe three miles from the end when I pass her. I finish and go back and find her.

The group I am with this time are clearly looking to get round quickly, I make my excuses, “I’ve done over 200 miles in the last 7 days“, and move to the back. It’s ok sat in, but slower would be nicer. There is a lady in their group and I gamble that they won’t leave her so I resolve that I will make sure I stay with her. The rest of her group ride away, 50yds up the road, they realise and slow. I’m right.

A group of 12 forms on the road, its fun, we wake the marshalls up at the junctions as we are first on the road, and they are surprised to see us, even though they know were coming. We join the 27 milers, passing quickly on the 5% uphill grade on the only slight hill they have on their ride, a quick descent and its 26mph on the flat back to the start. 50miles in 2hrs30min.

A drink and a pee and I’m off home, riding against the tide of riders, 10miles back and I am still meeting riders.

Home before lunch at 1pm. 78miles 4hrs18m, Brian (as opposed to wind) assisted.

Giving a grand total of 284miles in 16hr45mins for 7 days. I had Monday off and rode the other three days this week, all variations of getting to work, making 83miles this week. All good practice for the end to end as I need to get my body used to riding on a daily basis.

I’m having tomorrow off, my legs are getting heavy!

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