
Sunday 12 September 2010

Kings Lynn - Sandtoft

Miles 98.3 today In 5hrs 52 mins burning 2938 Kcal climbing 1060ft

Miles total 671
In 43hrs 27mins burning 21443 Kcal climbing 28773ft
Most miles in a day : 106.2

Today we started early as Dad had to go home and would meet Denise on the way up, passing the baton of my kit. So just before 9, I left the B&B and immediately went the wrong way. This was not irretrievable and soon I was making may way out into the countryside.

I was welcomed to Lincolnshire which was nice as I would be here all day.

There was a moderate to fresh south-westerly, so I had a cross tail wind alternating with a cross headwind. This was a little testing to start with, but as I crisscrossed the main road it wasn’t constant and when I had to ride on the main road to get over the rivers it was a tail wind and I was rolling along lovely outside the white line. So I had a little lane all of my own.

When I came to turn right I started a new pastime of traffic island picnic. It took so long for a gap to come in the traffic coming towards me that I had a drink, something to eat and took off a layer of clothing as the temperature climbed in the sun.

The village of Saracen's Head had a statue of the said saracen, the nearby village of Swines Head had gone for a less obvious option for there village sign.

I noticed that there was no up/down hill. In fact there was only 100ft of climbing in the first 45 miles, must be why it is called South Holland. Then there was a climb up onto the edge of Lincoln, and descent in and across the river, and a climb out onto a ridge, then back down again. By and large that was it for the day. On the way out of Lincoln a road bridge over a cutting for a newish main road had signs for the Samaritans, and high wire fences. It seemed odd that anyone would travel there to jump, but it occurred later that maybe it was the only public feature of any height for miles.
Sprout Anyone?

The last stretch was a dead straight road of 4 1/3 miles long. It took forever. My body seems to be happy up to about 80 miles and then fatigues, not drastically, but noticeably. I can keep going, just slower. Tomorrows ride includes hills and is over 80 miles. It will have to get used to it!

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