
Thursday 2 September 2010

Packed and Ready for the off

Packed and ready to go
Yes we, the Bee and me, are packed. In truth I have been more or less packed since Monday, the odd addition here and there, but largely I was ready to go. As the week has gone on I have become more ready to go, and progressively nervous. I really do want to be getting on with it. 

I am also becoming more paranoid about coughs and colds. It is the time of year, I don't mean weather wise, but the household germ machines that many people keep in their houses have got back together in their schools, to amongst other things share their germs and bring them back home. I am sure I have a runny nose, a slight roughness to my throat, etc etc. I reckon I need to make a raid on the Bee's honey when he isn't looking, he can have a Strepsil if he wants one, but I'm not sure what he will do with it. That said, they are Honey and Lemon.

I've finalised the route as far as Wymondham, and booked the B&Bs up to the night before. It has been quite a task. Cornish B&Bs don't seem to like a single night at a weekend. "I think I may have a room, how many nights? No, I'm sorry we are full" I don't believe you (all). Good job I haven't mentioned Bees.

I have had a couple of short easy rides just to relax, and to keep my legs turning over. I'm not certain they know what is coming, but I have shaved them, so I suspect they have a inkling something is on. The bike does know and has taken to producing squeaks and creaks in order to scare me that it will at some point pack up and leave me sitting on the verge waiting for the team car, which I suspect will be miles away with the occupants in tea shop.

Nice, well intentioned people keep telling me the weather forecast is good. I am watching the wind element, which after weeks of westerlies is turning to the east, and getting stronger as the week goes on. I am currently working on the basis that it is a forecast and most likely won't happen like that.

At present, Saturday morning can't come too soon. 

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