In 210 Hours burning 124459 Kcal climbing 147480 ft
Most miles in a week (so far) : 187
Weight: Being supplemented by chocolate biscuits.
Sometime ago I aimlessly searched the LEJOG tweets on twitter, a part of the withdrawal effects after my ride. One caught my eye, @chalkface2009 said that something like he would be trying to ride LEJOG. I picked up on this, I replied: It was not try, it was will, Believe! Hence started an occasional exchange of encouragement and advice on his planned LEJOG which culminated in me leaving home at 7.50 on a Tuesday heading south west towards his overnight stop at Halse.
I arrived, much to my surprise, at the time I had said, just gone 9 in the pub car park. We said our hellos and I was introduced to the other four cyclists and the support. Now, I am not too good with names and the like. In a group I know I try to learn one name each time I meet with them, so eight people at a time is over load. So I apologise to Dave and Steve that I can’t remember the others names, but it was clear that somehow or other they were all related, in terms of fathers, sons, sisters, and wives or indeed a variation of these (or not as the case may be).
I was expecting a climb back over the Quantocks, but they had changed the plan. I really can’t say I would blame them, riding two days in Cornwall and Devon really is enough hills and half a day without hills if it can be avoided it is an inviting idea. So we set off into Taunton, with a plan to ride along the canal. This is quite heavy going in places, and the group agreed to let me reroute off the canal and onto side roads to Bridgwater.
We were then back on route and made progress across the Polden Ridge with me acting self appointed tour guide. On the right we have Glastonbury Tor, to the left is the Wells TV transmitter and further left the mighty big scar on the Mendips, no that is not the Gorge, but a quarry just to the north of the Gorge. The poor quality blue lias and the early 17th Century tsunami were mentioned and we climbed up and over into Wedmore.
Cheddar Gorge was the next event, and I was asked when they would know when they meet the top. That is difficult as it really just becomes less and less steep, my top is where the road forks. As we left the tourist area the group broke up as we all chose our rhythm up the climb. There are harder climbs, but few as spectacular as you wind up through the cliffs that rise up from the road. Ultimately either the cars and/or the effort to climb the 17% sections distract from taking in the views. Oh, and the support group cheerily offering encouragement as they drove past us on the way up.
They welcomed me, a man they had never even spoken to before, and we had shared the cycling camaraderie which I have become so used to, and must be passed on. They trusted me to alter their route and feed me into the bargain. Thank you all.
As I write this they will now be home having finished their trip on Sunday. Reading the blog it appears that they enjoyed their trip. Well done you, well done you all, including the support who had to drive, navigate, support and no doubt encourage the five men.
Well done. The bee is proud.
cheers Greg-a great blog and sincere thanks from all for your support before, during and after lejog.Good luck in your future challenges.