
Friday 7 September 2012

Hardwick Hall to Hubey - Monday 3rd September

Last night we stayed in a pub off route. It is the only night on the trip when I can’t ride in and away from the place we were staying, so a late start today.

I had the idea of going to and over the Humber Bridge, but based on the estimate of 115 miles for the day if I did, I decided to use the next highest crossing point available to me at Goole.

Denise went to get fuel for the car and me in the shape of iced buns, and left me going the other way arranging to meet for morning mobile café stop near Clumber Park. It was flat(er), I had a tail wind, Denise went into the delivery entrance of Tesco. I got to the meeting point first and invited her to chase me, and a chase commenced. I got stopped by a level crossing, Denise bound up with lorries on the A1, I road through the road closure having talked to the very nice men who were resurfacing the road, Denise went round. I got to the next meeting point arranged by text and decided that I wanted a bun so sat on a bench waited. She had given up with that meeting point and was looking for the next, and saw me sat waiting. Buns and pleasantries were shared.

As part of this chase I had crossed the A1. Normally no bother on bridge, but this time I was with them on a roundabout. I’m glad I had some acceleration, and was bright orange, though when I got to the other side of this 6 legged circle I found the cycle route that went the other side to me. It is all very well having this cycling route, but there is nothing like signposting it is there?

After the A1 the landscape changed, still the same arable, the world is brown and at times dusty as the combines work away, but now flat. I rode up the side of the river Trent. I think it was tidal, judging by the levees on its bank. I couldn’t see it. I did go onto the highest bridging point and was surprised to see proper ocean going boats. The roads became quiter, good surface, nice strong cross tail wind, until I turned 90 to the west into a cross head. Not normally an issue as you can get in close to a hedge to break the wind. There are no hedges here.

My Humber Bridge

Upriver on the Humber

Goole docks were a surprise mix of small ships and run down docks. Odd to actually see ships in there such was the state of the place, but the town seemed busy. Onward and over the bridge, picking up a services of B roads towards York, back with the cross tail, I started to re enter an almost trance like state, look at the road 15 feet ahead, turn the pedals, the rhythm just seems to take over, the road was straight and lightly trafficked.

York was another matter. Cycle paths yes, but it would be there and gone, did it go behind that bush, up that side street, which side of the road is it on? I crossed though a gate in the city wall and soon found myself dodging shoppers, suits and office workers on their way home. I trundled, they parted in front of me. All was well.

Found the B road to leave, got in behind a bus who went through two red lights, as did a couple of cars. None of the cyclists I saw did.

The B road was straight, fast and heavily trafficked in the rush hour for about 4 miles. Then there was a cross roads and they seemed to melt away, leaving me and the B road to ourselves to the hotel and a sit down on something I don’t have to pedal

1 comment:

  1. I'm really surprised that the car runs on iced buns. I'm also intrigued by the average moving speed stat and am wondering what your average not moving speed would be and why this isn't reported. Guess you must be in the land of the kilt and the mozzie by now. Looking forward to the next instalment.
