
Saturday 31 August 2019

Dover Durness Day 3: Great Shelford to Burton le Coggles

Distance today         79 miles in 5hrs 28mins
Height Climbed       2470 feet burning 2204 Kcal

Distance so Far       213 Miles  in  15hrs 13mins
Height Climbed      8349 Feet Burning 6267 Kcal

Great Shelford is on the edge of Cambridge and there was easy access to the massive network of traffic free cycle paths that pass through the city. So within 200 yards of leaving our accommodation, I was riding next to a railway line heading into the city. A short diversion through a science park, and then next to the guided bus network, a curious way of normal buses running in a concrete track with little guide wheels keeping them inside the walls of the concrete channel. They have car traps to stop cars using them. 

Then onto a series of back streets, parks and on road cycle paths, over the river and back to the guided bus network. A major city crossed with little fuss. There were even diversions for the cycle track, which was great until it stopped and left me abandoned. I tried to get back onto the route though another science park (a posh name for a trading estate in Cambridge). I found a way though, but the gate was locked. Only open day time on weekdays. Bugger. I tracked back along the back on the units and found another way back onto the track.

The tailwind had returned, and on this good tarmac surface I pushed on. I could see another closure under a bridge. High metal barriers obscured the view through, buses were diverted. But as I closed there was a cycle/foot path through.It didn't last though. Another closure. This time someone in a van.

How do I get round, I'm not local? The young woman, probably an intern, had been told that
everyone would know but clearly not. She suggested left then right. I checked the map. It should
work. I'd been warned that there may be a closure, but it is really frustrating to have a closure and no proper diversion. We agreed that a piece of paper and a map would've helped. I moved on. Following my nose, and at the cost of three miles, I returned to the route.

Not to say its not flat round here, but 30 miles done and only 600 feet of climbing done. Passepartout and I met in Great Stukeley, and we shared current buns and filled a water bottle and off again.

The day passed: Rolling hills, quite roads, a flower Concorde, an
old American plane at some unused base, then the tar and chipping started. 3 sections of a couple of miles. At least they weren't done yesterday, with the sea of chippings they leave for the cars to roll in, and the cycles to slide on. No there was enough here to slide on corners and for the odd car to pass at 50 and fire stones at my legs. 


Another meeting with Passepartout and onto Rutland and a cycle event sign.
Maybe a time trial or a sportive. At the next junction there were Raynet members, amateur radio enthusiasts who assist at events. It was the ladies race of the Bourne Classic Cycle Race, confirmed by a later sign. They were 50 minutes behind me. At the speed I was traveling they could catch me soon!

Onwards and clouds came in. The wind picked up futher. My tail wind was cross tail so still useful. Less than 10 miles to go, would I get wet? I pushed on. I want to keep the bike in the room tonight so it must stay dry. 1.5miles to go, it starts to spit, I can see the rain to my left. I push on and pull into the pub carpark and the bike and I head for cover. The rain stops.

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