
Tuesday 27 August 2019

T minus 2

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Distance so Far       0 Miles  in  0hrs 0mins
Height Climbed      0 Feet Burning 0 Kcal

So it's Tuesday night. We've been packed since Monday evening, just toothbrushes and minor bits to add, and we could be off. But one more day to wait. I'm excited and anxious all at once and want to go now.

Tomorrow its one last day in the office, then home, pack the car and we drive to near Dover. Neither of us are particularly looking forward to having play on the M25, but hopefully by the time we get there it will be passable.

LE Bee testing his rain coat
Then Thursday morning it's a short trip to the White Cliffs of Dover, then leg over the cross bar for the first time in 10 days of general north north westish. 

I do hope you have time to join me on the way. We will keep it light and fun. 

All for now


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