
Monday 6 September 2010

Lizard to Okehampton

Miles 92.8 today
In 6hrs 51mins burning 3751 Kcal climbing 8260ft

Miles total 130
In 9hrs 12mins burning 5235 Kcal climbing 10800ft
Most miles in a day : 92.8

When I opened the curtains today it was wet but not raining. When we left the house to drive the 4 miles to the start it was mizzle, the light stuff that gets you very wet. When I was ready to go it started to rain properly. So lightweight rain jacket and rear light flashing and I was off.

The Bee let go after 8 miles. The water affected his grip and he was off. We regrouped and got his wet weather gear out. All was well in his world again.

(Aside: I trust you all read the small print of the sponsorship - every inch of rain increases the amount sponsored by 10%)

It became Greg’s world tour of bypassed villages and towns where the route followed the A30 and A390 with me dodging onto the old road. I had another encounter with a tractor which I let pass me and then decided to tuck in and take the ride. This turned out to be a bad idea, as I disappeared in the spray, straw and mud off the trailer. I couldn’t see much and dropped back a car, wiping the water off with gloved hands, then my glasses misted up. Ah, 23mph and we were in shape territory, but I found that I could see out the side of the right hand lense, so alls well. Down the hill and into Sticker and stop in the bus shelter. The lenses were wet both sides, and the clip in prescription lenses have beads of water all over. I wiped all the lenses with a wet jersey, and put them back on. Considering the amount of water still on them, I could see quite well. (Note to self, don’t chase tractors in the wet.)

I quite enjoyed St Austell, on the way in there was a step straight hill and many cars went passed. The now traditional queues of traffic in the town meant I passed them all with interest, using the lovely proper cycle lane. In celebration I decided it had now stopped raining enough, after 3 hrs, and I changed out of my rain jacket.

Lostwithiel meant turn left and an escape from the main road and a 1000ft climb up to Minions on the edge of Bodmin Moor. The up and down continued as it had done all day, just the heights got greater. One of the lows was crossing the Tamar into Devon, at which point the Bee became brave enough to come out of his tent, to enjoy the sunshine.
Wet Weather Gear

I was hungry and thirsty. 16 miles to go and no drink. I saw a couple in their garden and they were happy to fill the water bottle. I had eaten 6 frusli bars and 2 gels and the blood sugar was marginal. The problem was the rain, I had never felt cold, but my body had used energy keeping warm as well as moving forward and upward. When I finally got to our friends house I drank a recovery drink, ate a currant bun, and a couple of ham sandwiches, and had a sit on the floor in the kitchen. We then went out for a meal. I am still quite hungry

Weather forecast for tomorrow is appalling, but at least I start at 920ft high so the general trend is down.

View Day 2 - The Lizard to Okehampton in a larger map

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