
Monday 6 September 2010

Okehampton - Bruton

Miles 92.8 today
In 6hrs 22mins burning 3133 Kcal climbing 4840ft

Miles total 222
In 15hrs 34 mins burning 8364 Kcal climbing 15340ft
Most miles in a day : 92.8

First thing this morning it was only just raining, and as we prepared to leave the intensity increased to the point where it didn’t seem madness to leave. I rode down to pick up the cycle path along the old railway into Okehampton. It was a nice start a few miles coasting down, and checking the legs.

I joined the Okehampton rush hour queues, which seemed to be caused by the school buses and left heading for Crediton. The general trend was down from the 920ft altitude, with a climb back over from Credition to Tiverton. Mindful of yesterday’s lack of food or water, I called into Tiverton and had a couple of cakes and filled my drinks bottle. The nature of the roads changed, it wasn’t up and down all the time, sometimes it was flat! I found on myself on the Tour of Britain route, but I suspect they will be much faster. Up Hemyock hill onto the top of the Blackdowns and then a descent into South Somerset. Oddly I was not welcomed to Somerset.

The pace increased on the relative flats, but the wind increased and became a cross head wind. So although I could go faster on the flat it wasn’t as fast as it would’ve been without the wind

No tractors going my way today, about 5 going the other way. The Bee got somewhat confused when he found this hive.

Having now crossed three counties, I can say that Somerset has the worst driving standard. It is the careless, thoughtless passing without moving out, or the plain suicidal overtaking on blind bends that marks you out Somerset.

I ended ok, but hungry, I think I tried a bit too hard into the wind at the end. I had a delegation from my workplace to meet me. It was very pleasant and I was most grateful. It was dampened, literally, by the rain, which got heavier whilst we chatted. I stripped in the street, but I managed not to get arrested and no accidents were caused. My body is demanding food to replace the energy used today, so it is time for another cake/biscuit/choc.

Tomorrow is the hard third day and is coming in at around 100miles by the time I get to the B&B. It could well be over 7hrs.

View Day 3: Okehampton to Bruton in a larger map

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